#include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct tm *newtime; time_t aclock; /* Get time in seconds */ time( &aclock ); /* Convert time to struct tm form */ newtime = localtime( &aclock ); /* Print local time as a string */ printf( "The current date and time are:\n\t\t%s", asctime( newtime ) ); return 0; } OUTPUT : // The current date and time are: // Sat Feb 22 18:20:25 2003 asctime_r
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char buff[256]; char *p; struct tm *ttime; time_t t; time(&t); ttime = localtime(&t); puts(asctime(ttime)); /* asctime_r returns ptr to string */ p = (asctime_r(ttime,buff)); /* ptr */ puts(p); /* buff */ puts(buff); return 0; } OUTPUT : // Sat Feb 22 18:41:08 2003 // // Sat Feb 22 18:41:08 2003 // // Sat Feb 22 18:41:08 2003 clock
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; long milisec = 500000000; clock_t start, finish, seconds; double duration; /* CLOCKS_PER_SEC is the number of processor clock ticks per second. */ printf("CLOCKS_PER_SEC is %lu\n", (unsigned long)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); /* Pause for 5 seconds. */ printf("pause 5 seconds\n"); for ( i = 5; i > 0; i-- ) { printf("%d ",i); fflush(stdout); seconds = 1 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC + clock(); while ( seconds > clock() ) ; } printf("\nDone!\n\n"); /* Measure the duration of an event. */ printf("Duration of empty loop %lu times\n", milisec); start = clock(); while( milisec-- ) ; finish = clock(); duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Start is %lu\n",start); printf("Finish is %lu\n",finish); printf("Duration time is %2.2f seconds\n", duration ); return 0; } OUTPUT : // CLOCKS_PER_SEC is 1000000 // pause 5 seconds // 5 4 3 2 1 // Done! // // Duration of empty loop 500000000 times // Start is 5010000 // Finish is 9090000 // Duration time is 4.08 seconds ctime
#include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { time_t ltime; /* time in seconds */ time( <ime ); /* print current time */ printf( "The time is %s", ctime( <ime ) ); return 0; } OUTPUT : // The time is Sat Feb 22 18:22:55 2003 difftime
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { time_t start, finish; unsigned long i = 500000000; double elapsed_time; printf( "Empty loop %lu times\n",i); time( &start ); while ( i-- ) ; time( &finish ); elapsed_time = (double)difftime( finish, start ); printf("\nStart is %s",(ctime(&start))); printf("Finish is %s",(ctime(&finish))); printf("Duration took %6.2f seconds.\n", elapsed_time ); return 0; } OUTPUT : // Empty loop 500000000 times // // Start is Sat Feb 22 15:13:17 2003 // Finish is Sat Feb 22 15:13:21 2003 // Duration took 4.00 seconds. dysize
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int days_in_year; int year1 = 2004; int year2 = 2003; days_in_year = dysize(year1); printf("%d year consists %d days\n", year1,days_in_year); days_in_year = dysize(year2); printf("%d year consists %d days\n", year2,days_in_year); return 0; } OUTPUT : // 2004 year consists 366 days // 2003 year consists 365 days ftime
/* ftime function uses to obtain the current time and then stores this time in timebuffer. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> #include <time.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct timeb timebuffer; char *timeline; ftime( &timebuffer ); timeline = ctime( & ( timebuffer.time ) ); printf( "The time is %.19s.%hu %s", timeline, timebuffer.millitm, &timeline[20] ); return 0; } OUTPUT : // The time is Sat Feb 22 20:01:32.417 2003 gmtime
#include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct tm *newtime; long lt; time( < ); puts(ctime(<)); /* Obtain coordinated universal time: */ newtime = gmtime( < ); printf( "Coordinated universal time :\n\t\t%s", asctime( newtime ) ); return 0; } OUTPUT : // Sat Feb 22 18:16:11 2003 // // Coordinated universal time : // Sat Feb 22 23:16:11 2003 leap_year
#include <stdio.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; for ( i = 999; i < 1013; i++ ) { if ( leap_year(i) ) printf("%4d year is leap year\n",i); else printf("%4d year is common year\n",i); } return 0; }// //------------------------------------------------ int leap_year(int year) //------------------------------------------------ { if ( (year % 4 == 0) && ( year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0) ) return 1; else return 0; } OUTPUT : // 999 year is common year // 1000 year is common year // 1001 year is common year // 1002 year is common year // 1003 year is common year // 1004 year is leap year // 1005 year is common year // 1006 year is common year // 1007 year is common year // 1008 year is leap year // 1009 year is common year // 1010 year is common year // 1011 year is common year // 1012 year is leap year localtime
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct tm *newtime; char am_pm[] = "AM"; time_t long_time; /* Get time as long integer. */ time( &long_time ); /* Convert to local time. */ newtime = localtime( &long_time ); if( newtime->tm_hour > 12 ) { /* set up extension. */ strcpy( am_pm, "PM" ); /* to 12-hour clock. */ newtime->tm_hour -= 12; } /* Set hour to 12 if midnight. */ if( newtime->tm_hour == 0 ) newtime->tm_hour = 12; printf( "%.24s %s\n", asctime(newtime), am_pm ); return 0; } OUTPUT : // Sat Feb 22 06:10:11 2003 PM mktime
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct tm init = { 30, // seconds 10, // minutes 12, // hours 3, // date 5, // month (0-jan) 103, // year+1900, 2 }; // date (0-Sun) struct tm *tpt = &init; if ( mktime(&init) != (time_t)-1 ) printf("30,10,12,3,5,103,2 is %s", asctime(&init)); tpt->tm_sec = 8; tpt->tm_min = 22; tpt->tm_hour = 1; tpt->tm_mday = 15; tpt->tm_mon = 11; tpt->tm_year = 100; tpt->tm_wday = 6; printf("Changed time is %s", asctime(&init)); return 0; } OUTPUT : // 30,10,12,3,5,103,2 is Tue Jun 3 13:10:30 2003 // Changed time is Sat Dec 15 01:22:08 2000 my_difftime
/* converts number of seconds in year(s), days(s), hours, minutes, seconds */ #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> short int leap_year(int*); void convert_from_sec(size_t, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned short int*, unsigned short int*, unsigned short int*); //------------------------------------------------ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) //------------------------------------------------ { size_t t = 1200000009; unsigned short int sec, min, hour; unsigned int days, year; sec = min = hour = days = year = 0; convert_from_sec(t,&year,&days, &hour,&min,&sec); printf("%lu seconds = ",(unsigned long) t); printf("\n\t%d years, ",year); printf("%d days, ",days); printf("%d hours,",hour); printf("\n\t%d minutes, and ",min); printf("%d seconds.\n",sec); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------ void convert_from_sec(size_t t, //------------------------------------------------ unsigned int* y, unsigned int *d, unsigned short int *h, unsigned short int *m, unsigned short int *s) //------------------------------------------------ { unsigned int sec_per_day = 60*60*24; unsigned int sec_per_hou = 60*60; unsigned int sec_per_leap = 3600*24*365; unsigned int sec_per_comm = 3600*24*366; unsigned int leap; while ( t >= sec_per_leap ) { (*y)++; if ( leap_year(y) ) t -= sec_per_leap; else t -= sec_per_comm; leap = (*y)+1; if ( t == sec_per_leap && !leap_year(&leap) ) break; } while ( t >= sec_per_day ) { (*d)++; t -= sec_per_day; } while ( t >= sec_per_hou ) { (*h)++; t -= sec_per_hou; } while ( t >= 60 ) { (*m)++; t -= 60; } *s = (unsigned short)t; } //------------------------------------------------ short int leap_year(int *year) //------------------------------------------------ { if ( (*year % 4 == 0) && ( *year % 100 != 0 || *year % 400 == 0) ) return 1; else return 0; } OUTPUT : // 1200000009 seconds = // 37 years, 355 days, 21 hours, // 20 minutes, and 9 seconds. stime
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct tm *tt time_t init; time_t correction = 1*60*60*24*365; time(&init); tt = localtime(&init); printf("Current time : %s",asctime(tt)); tt->tm_year = 100; /* function for a supperuser */ /* change time - 1 year */ init = init - correction; stime(&init); tt = localtime(&init); printf("Current time : %s",asctime(tt)); /* return to old time */ init = init + correction; stime(&init); tt = localtime(&init); printf("Current time : %s",asctime(tt)); return 0; } OUTPUT : // Current time : Sat Feb 22 18:57:34 2003 // Current time : Fri Feb 22 18:57:34 2002 // Current time : Sat Feb 22 18:57:34 2003 strftime
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char buff[401]; time_t t; struct tm *today; time(&t); today = localtime(&t); /* strftime builds a customized time string. */ strftime(buff,400,"%%a %a The abbreviated weekday namen\n\t\t" "according to the current locale.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%A %A The full weekday\n\t\t" "name according to the current locale.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%b %b The abbreviated month\n\t\t" "name according to the current locale.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%B %B The full month name according\n\t\t" "to the current locale.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%c %c The preferred date and time\n\t\t" "representation for the current locale.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%C %C The century number\n\t\t" "(year/100) as a 2-digit integer.(SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%d %d The day of the month as a\n\t\t" "decimal number (range 01 to 31).",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%D %D Equivalent to %%m/%%d/%%y.\n\t\t" "(Yecch - for Americans only. Americans should\n\t\t" "note that in other countries %%d/%%m/%%y is\n\t\t" "rather common. This means that in international\n\t\t" "context this format is ambiguous and should not\n\t\t" "be used.) (SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%e %e Like %%d, the day of the\n\t\t" "month as a decimal number, but a leading zero\n\t\t" "is replaced by a space. (SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%E %E Modifier: use alternative\n\t\t" "format, see below. (SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%G %G The ISO 8601 year with\n\t\t" "century as a decimal number. The 4-digit year\n\t\t" "corresponding to the ISO week number (see %%V).\n\t\t" "This has the same format and value as %%y,\n\t\t" "except that if the ISO week number belongs\n\t\t" "to the previous or next year, that year is\n\t\t" "used instead. (TZ)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%g %g Like %%G, but without\n\t\t" "century, i.e., with a 2-digit year (00-99). (TZ)", today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%h %h Equivalent to %%b. (SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%H %H The hour as a decimal\n\t\t" "number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23).", today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%I %I The hour as a decimal\n\t\t" "number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12).", today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%j %j The day of the year as a\n\t\t" "decimal number (range 001 to 366).",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%k %k The hour (24-hour clock)\n\t\t" "as a decimal number (range 0 to 23); single\n\t\t" "digits are preceded by a blank.\n\t\t" "(See also %%H.) (TZ)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%l %l The hour (12-hour clock)\n\t\t" "as a decimal number (range 1 to 12); single\n\t\t" "digits are preceded by a blank.\n\t\t" "(See also %I.) (TZ)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%m %m The month as a decimal\n\t\t" "number (range 01 to 12).",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%M %M The minute as a decima\n\t\t" "number (range 00 to 59).",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%n %n A newline character. (SU)", today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%O %O Modifier: use alternative\n\t\t" "format, see below. (SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%p %p Either `AM' or `PM'\n\t\t" "according to the given time value, or the\n\t\t" "corresponding strings for the current\n\t\t" "locale. Noon is treated as `pm' and\n\t\t" "midnight as `am'.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%P %P Like %%p but in\n\t\t" "lowercase: `am' or `pm' or a corresponding\n\t\t" "string for the current locale. (GNU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%r %r The time in a.m.\n\t\t" "or p.m. notation. In the POSIX locale this\n\t\t" "is equivalent to `%%I:%%M:%%S %%p'. (SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%R %R The time in 24-hour\n\t\t" "notation (%%H:%%M). (SU) For a version\n\t\t" "including the seconds, see %%T below.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%s %s The number of seconds\n\t\t" "since the Epoch, i.e., since\n\t\t" "1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. (TZ)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%S %S The second as a\n\t\t" "decimal number (range 00 to 61).",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%t %t A tab character. (SU)", today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%T %T The time in 24-hour\n\t\t" "notation (%%H:%%M:%%S). (SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%u %u The day of the week\n\t\t" "as a decimal, range 1 to 7, Monday being 1.\n\t\t" "See also %w. (SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%U %U The week number of\n\t\t" "the current year as a decimal number, range\n\t\t" "00 to 53, starting with the first Sunday\n\t\t" "as the first day of week 01. See also\n\t\t" "%%V and %%W.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%V %V The ISO 8601:1988\n\t\t" "week number of the current year as a\n\t\t" "decimal number, range 01 to 53, where week 1\n\t\t" "is the first week that has at least 4 days in\n\t\t" "the current year, and with Monday as the\n\t\t" "first day of the week.\n\t\t" "See also %%U and %%W. (SU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%w %w The day of the week\n\t\t" "as a decimal, range 0 to 6, Sunday\n\t\t" "being 0. See also %%u.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%W %W The week number of\n\t\t" "the current year as a decimal number,\n\t\t" "range 00 to 53, starting with the first\n\t\t" "Monday as the first day of week 01.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%x %x The preferred date\n\t\t" "representation for the current locale\n\t\t" "without the time.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%X %X The preferred time\n\t\t" "representation for the current locale\n\t\t" "without the date.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%y %y The year as a decimali\n\t\t" "number without a century (range 00 to 99).", today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%Y %Y The year as a decimal\n\t\t" "number including the century.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%z %z The time-zone as hour\n\t\t" "offset from GMT. Required to emit\n\t\t" "RFC822-conformant dates\n\t\t" "(using \"%%a, %%d %%b %%Y %%H:%%M:%%S %%z\").\n\t\t" "(GNU)",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%Z %Z The time zone or name or\n\t\t" "abbreviation.",today); puts(buff); strftime(buff,400,"%%+ %+ The date and time\n\t\t" "in date(1) format. (TZ)",today); puts(buff); return 0; } OUTPUT : // %a Sat The abbreviated weekday namen // according to the current locale. // %A Saturday The full weekday // name according to the current locale. // %b Feb The abbreviated month // name according to the current locale. // %B February The full month name according // to the current locale. // %c Sat Feb 22 16:41:16 2003 The preferred // date and time representation for the current // locale. // %C 20 The century number // (year/100) as a 2-digit integer.(SU) // %d 22 The day of the month as a // decimal number (range 01 to 31). // %D 02/22/03 Equivalent to %m/%d/%y. // (Yecch - for Americans only. Americans should // note that in other countries %d/%m/%y is // rather common. This means that in international // context this format is ambiguous and should not // be used.) (SU) // %e 22 Like %d, the day of the // month as a decimal number, but a leading zero // is replaced by a space. (SU) // %E %E Modifier: use alternative // format, see below. (SU) // %G 2003 The ISO 8601 year with // century as a decimal number. The 4-digit year // corresponding to the ISO week number (see %V). // This has the same format and value as %y, // except that if the ISO week number belongs // to the previous or next year, that year is // used instead. (TZ) // %g 03 Like %G, but without // century, i.e., with a 2-digit year (00-99). (TZ) // %h Feb Equivalent to %b. (SU) // %H 16 The hour as a decimal // number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23). // %I 04 The hour as a decimal // number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12). // %j 053 The day of the year as a // decimal number (range 001 to 366). // %k 16 The hour (24-hour clock) // as a decimal number (range 0 to 23); single // digits are preceded by a blank. // (See also %H.) (TZ) // %l 4 The hour (12-hour clock) // as a decimal number (range 1 to 12); single // digits are preceded by a blank. // (See also 04.) (TZ) // %m 02 The month as a decimal // number (range 01 to 12). // %M 41 The minute as a decima // number (range 00 to 59). // %n // A newline character. (SU) // %O %O Modifier: use alternative // format, see below. (SU) // %p PM Either `AM' or `PM' // according to the given time value, or the // corresponding strings for the current // locale. Noon is treated as `pm' and // midnight as `am'. // %P pm Like %p but in // lowercase: `am' or `pm' or a corresponding // string for the current locale. (GNU) // %r 04:41:16 PM The time in a.m. // or p.m. notation. In the POSIX locale this // is equivalent to `%I:%M:%S %p'. (SU) // %R 16:41 The time in 24-hour // notation (%H:%M). (SU) For a version // including the seconds, see %T below. // %s 1045950076 The number of seconds // since the Epoch, i.e., since // 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. (TZ) // %S 16 The second as a // decimal number (range 00 to 61). // %t A tab character. (SU) // %T 16:41:16 The time in 24-hour // notation (%H:%M:%S). (SU) // %u 6 The day of the week // as a decimal, range 1 to 7, Monday being 1. // See also 6. (SU) // %U 07 The week number of // the current year as a decimal number, range // 00 to 53, starting with the first Sunday // as the first day of week 01. See also // %V and %W. // %V 08 The ISO 8601:1988 // week number of the current year as a // decimal number, range 01 to 53, where week 1 // is the first week that has at least 4 days in // the current year, and with Monday as the // first day of the week. // See also %U and %W. (SU) // %w 6 The day of the week // as a decimal, range 0 to 6, Sunday // being 0. See also %u. // %W 07 The week number of // the current year as a decimal number, // range 00 to 53, starting with the first // Monday as the first day of week 01. // %x 02/22/03 The preferred date // representation for the current locale // without the time. // %X 16:41:16 The preferred time // representation for the current locale // without the date. // %y 03 The year as a decimali // number without a century (range 00 to 99). // %Y 2003 The year as a decimal // number including the century. // %z -0500 The time-zone as hour // offset from GMT. Required to emit // RFC822-conformant dates // (using "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"). // (GNU) // %Z EST The time zone or name or // abbreviation. // %+ %+ The date and time // in date(1) format. (TZ) time
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char buff[51]; time_t cur_time; struct tm* local_time; /* initit cur_time */ time(&cur_time); /* genereate pointer for formatting time */ local_time = localtime(&cur_time); /* formatting output to 'buff' */ strftime(buff,50,"%A %b %e %T %p %G", local_time); puts(buff); /* convert binary data for formatting output */ puts(ctime(&cur_time)); return 0; } OUTPUT : // Friday Feb 21 00:42:18 AM 2003 // Fri Feb 21 00:42:18 2003 tzset
#include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if( putenv( "TZ=EST5EDT" ) == -1 ) { printf( "Unable to set TZ\n" ); exit( 1 ); } else { tzset(); printf( "daylight = %d\n", daylight ); printf( "timezone = %ld\n", timezone ); printf( "tzname[0] = %s\n", tzname[0] ); } return 0; } OUTPUT : // daylight = 1 // timezone = 18000 // tzname[0] = EST