first, last, first1... middle   represent iterators to specific places in a container.
function, predicate, op, comp   are function objects.
value, old, new, a, b, init   are values of the objects stored in a container.
The argument   n   is an integer.

adjacent_find Returns iterator to first adjacent pair of objects that are equal. first, last
adjacent_find Returns iterator to first adjacent pair of objects that satisfy predicate. first, last, predicate
binary_search Returns true if value is in the range, where the ordering is determined by comp. first, last, value, comp
binary_search Returns true if value is in the range. first, last, value, comp
copy Copies objects from range 1 to range 2. first1, last1, first2
copy_backward Copies objects from range 1 to range 2, inserting them backwards, from last2 to first2. first1, last1, first2
count Adds to n the number of objects equal to value. first, last, value, n
count_if Adds to n the number of objects satisfying predicate. first, last, predicate, n
equal Returns true if corresponding objects in two ranges all satisfy predicate. first1, last1, first2, predicate
equal Returns true if corresponding objects in two ranges are all equal. first1, last1, first2
equal_range Returns a pair containing the lower bound and upper bound between which value could be inserted without violating an ordering based on comp. first, last, value, comp
equal_range Returns a pair containing the lower bound and upper bound between which value could be inserted without violating the ordering. first, last, value
fill Assigns value to all objects in range. first, last, value
fill_n Assigns value to all objects from first to first+n. first, n, value
find Returns iterator to first object equal to value. first, last, value
find_if Returns iterator to first object for which predicate is true. first, last, predicate
for_each Applies function to each object. first, last, function
generate Fills range with values generated by successive calls to function gen. first, last, gen
generate_n Fills from first to first+n with values generated by successive calls to function gen. first, n, gen
includes Returns true if every object in the range first2-last2 is also in the range first1-last1, where ordering is based on comp. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2, comp
includes Returns true if every object in the range first2, last2 is also in the range first1, last. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2
inplace_merge Merges two consecutive sorted ranges— first, middle and middle, last—into first, last. first, middle, last
inplace_merge Merges two consecutive sorted ranges—first, middle and middle, last—into first, last, where the ordering is based on comp. first, middle, last, comp
iter_swap Interchanges objects pointed to by two iterators. iter1, iter2
lexico-graphical_compare Returns true if the sequence in range 1 comes before the sequence in range 2 alphabetically, based on ordering determined by comp. first1, last1, first2, last2, comp
lexico-graphical_compare Returns true if the sequence in range 1 comes before the sequence in range 2 alphabetically. first1, last1, first2, last2
lower_bound Returns iterator to first position into which value could be inserted without violating an ordering based on comp. first, last, value, comp
lower_bound Returns iterator to first position into which value could be inserted without violating the ordering. first, last, value
make_heap Constructs a heap out of the range first, last, based on the ordering determined by comp. first, last, comp
make_heap Constructs a heap out of the range first, last. first, last
max Returns the larger of two objects, where the ordering is determined by comp. a, b, comp
max Returns the larger of two objects. a, b
max_element Returns an iterator to the largest object in the range, with an ordering determined by comp. first, last, comp
max_element Returns an iterator to the largest object in the range. first, last
merge Merges sorted ranges 1 and 2 into sorted range 3, where the ordering is determined by comp. first1, last1, first2, last2, first3, comp
merge Merges sorted ranges 1 and 2 into sorted range 3. first1, last1, first2, last2, first3
min Returns the smaller of two objects, where the ordering is determined by comp. a, b, comp
min Returns the smaller of two objects. a, b
min_element Returns an iterator to the smallest object in the range, with an ordering determined by comp. first, last, comp
min_element Returns an iterator to the smallest object in the range. first, last
mismatch Returns first nonequal pair of corresponding objects in two ranges. first1, last1, first2
mismatch Returns first pair of corresponding objects in two ranges that don’t satisfy predicate. first1, last1, first2, predicate
next_permutation Performs one permutation on the sequence in the range, where the ordering is determined by comp. first, last, comp
next_permutation Performs one permutation on the sequence in the range. first, last
nth_element Places the nth object in the position it would occupy if the whole range were sorted using comp for comparisons. first, nth, last, comp
nth_element Places the nth object in the position it would occupy if the whole range were sorted. first, nth, last
partial_sort Sorts all objects in range and places as many sorted values as will fit between first and middle. Order of objects between middle and last is undefined. first, middle, last
partial_sort Sorts all objects in range and places as many sorted values as will fit between first and middle. Order of objects between middle and last is undefined. Uses predicate to define ordering. first, middle, last, predicate
partial_sort_copy Same as partial_sort (first, middle, last), but places resulting sequence in range 2. first1, last1, first2, last2
partial_sort_copy Same as partial_sort (first, middle, last, predicate), but places resulting sequence in range 2. first1, last1, first2, last2, comp
partition Moves all objects that satisfy predicate so they precede those that do not satisfy it. first, last, predicate
pop_heap Swaps the values in first and last1; makes range first, last1 into a heap, based on ordering determined by comp. first, last, comp
pop_heap Swaps the values in first and last1; makes range first, last1 into a heap. first, last
prev_permutation Performs one reverse permutation on the sequence in the range, where the ordering is determined by comp. first, last, comp
prev_permutation Performs one reverse permutation on the sequence in the range. first, last
push_heap Places value from last1 into resulting heap in range first, last, based on ordering determined by comp. first, last, comp
push_heap Places value from last1 into resulting heap in range first, last. first, last
random_shuffle Randomly shuffles objects in range, using random-number function rand. first, last, rand
random_shuffle Randomly shuffles objects in range. first, last
remove Removes from range any objects equal to value. first, last, value
remove_copy Copies objects, except those equal to value, from range 1 to range 2. first1, last1, first2, value
remove_copy_if Copies objects, except those satisfying pred, from range 1 to range 2. first1, last1, first2, pred
remove_if Removes from range any objects that satisfy predicate. first, last, predicate
replace Replaces all objects equal to old with objects equal to new. first, last, old, new
replace_copy Copies from range 1 to range 2, replacing all objects equal to old with objects equal to new. first1, last1, first2, old, new
replace_copy_if Copies from range 1 to range 2, replacing all objects that satisfy predicate with objects equal to new. first1, last1, first2, predicate, new
replace_if Replaces all objects that satisfy predicate with objects equal to new. first, last, predicate, new
reverse Reverses the sequence of objects in range. first, last
reverse_copy Copies range 1 to range 2, reversing the sequence of objects. first1, last1, first2
rotate Rotates sequence of objects around iterator middle. first, last, middle
rotate_copy Copies objects from range 1 to range 2, rotating the sequence around iterator middle. first1, middle1, last1, first2
search Checks if second range is contained within the first, where equality is determined by predicate. Returns start of match, or last1 if no match. first1, last1, first2, last2, predicate
search Checks if second range is contained within the first. Returns start of match, or last1 if no match. first1, last1, first2, last2
set_difference Constructs sorted difference of elements of ranges 1 and 2, where the ordering is based on comp. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2, first3, comp
set_difference Constructs sorted difference of elements of ranges 1 and 2. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2, first3
set_intersection Constructs sorted intersection of elements of ranges 1 and 2, where the ordering is based on comp. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2, first3, comp
set_intersection Constructs sorted intersection of elements of ranges 1 and 2. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2, first3
set_symmetric_difference Constructs sorted difference of elements of ranges 1 and 2, where the ordering is based on comp. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2, first3, comp
set_symmetric_difference Constructs sorted symmetric difference of elements of ranges 1 and 2. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2, first3
set_union Constructs sorted union of elements of ranges 1 and 2, where the ordering is based on comp. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2, first3, comp
set_union Constructs sorted union of elements of ranges 1 and 2. (Sets and multisets only). first1, last1, first2, last2, first3
sort Sorts elements in range, using comp as comparison function. first, last, comp
sort Sorts objects in range. first, last
sort_heap Sorts the elements in the heap first, last, based on the ordering determined by comp. first, last, comp
sort_heap Sorts the elements in the heap first, last. first, last
stable_partition Moves all objects that satisfy predicate so they precede those that do not, and also preserves relative ordering in the two groups. first, last, predicate
stable_sort Sorts elements in range using comp as comparison function and maintains order of equal elements. first, last, comp
stable_sort Sorts objects in range and maintains order of equal elements. first, last
swap Interchanges two objects. a, b
swap_ranges Interchanges corresponding elements in two ranges. first1, last1, first2
transform Combines objects in range 1 and range 2 into new objects in range 3 by applying operator. first1, last1, first2, first3, operator
transform Transforms objects in range 1 into new objects in range 2 by applying operator. first1, last1, first2, operator
unique Eliminates all but the first object from any consecutive sequence of equal objects. first, last
unique Eliminates all but the first object from any consecutive sequence of objects satisfying predicate. first, last, predicate
unique_copy Copies objects from range 1 to range 2, except only the first object from any consecutive sequence of equal objects is copied. first1, last1, first2
unique_copy Copies objects from range 1 to range 2, except only the first object from any consecutive sequence of objects satisfying predicate is copied. first1, last1, first2, predicate
upper_bound Returns iterator to last position into which value could be inserted without violating an ordering based on comp. first, last, value, comp
upper_bound Returns iterator to last position into which value could be inserted without violating the ordering. first, last, value