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#include <sqlplus.hh> // or <mysql++> int main () { Connection conn ("user1", // db_name "localhost", // host_name "user1", // user_login "user111" // user_password ); cout << "Connection \"OK\"" << endl; conn.close(); return 0; } compile: g++ -g -o conn.exe connection.cpp -lsqlplus $ ./conn.exe OUTPUT: // Connection "OK" hide_password.cpp
Hiding 'password' from your program. 1. create file $HOME/.password 2. just one single line : your_real_password 3. chmod 400 $HOME/.password ( you have to have account on host and $HOME/.my.cnf file ) #include <sqlplus.hh> #include <fstream> // to read file $HOME/.password int main () { char pass[10]; ifstream In ("/home/ana/.password"); In >> pass; In.close(); Connection conn ("user1","","",pass); cout << "Connection \"OK\"" << endl; conn.close(); return 0; } $ g++ -g -o hide_passw.exe hide_password.cpp -lsqlplus $ ./hide_passw.exe OUTPUT: // Connection "OK" use_header.cpp
Create shared library libpassword #include <sqlplus.hh> #include <password.hh> // user created shared library int main () { Connection conn ("user1","","",password()); // return from function cout << "Connection \"OK\"" << endl; conn.close(); return 0; } $ g++ -g -o hide_passw.exe use_header.cpp -lsqlplus $ ./use_header.exe OUTPUT: // Connection "OK"

Data Process


#include <sqlplus.hh> #include <password.hh> int main () { Connection conn ("user1","","",password()); Query q = conn.query(); // create query and // bound to the 'conn' q << "SELECT DATABASE()"; // query itself cout << "Query : " << q.preview() << endl; // returns query string Result res = q.store(); // executes query and // return result into 'res' Row row = res[0]; // we need just one, first record cout << endl << "The name of DATABASE is : " << row[0] << endl; conn.close(); return 0; } g++ -o query.exe query.cpp -lsqlplus -lpassword ./query.exe OUTPUT: // Query : SELECT DATABASE() // // The name of DATABASE is : user1 insert_data.cpp
#include <sqlplus.hh> #include <password.hh> int main () { Connection conn ("user1","","",password()); Query q = conn.query(); q << "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table1"; q.execute(); // execute query q << "CREATE TABLE table1 (ID VARCHAR(7) " << "NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " << "l_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, " << "f_name VARCHAR(20))"; q.execute(); q << "INSERT INTO table1 VALUES ('ABC123'," << "'Frost','Robert')"; q.execute(); q << "INSERT INTO table1 (ID,l_name) VALUES " << "('ABD000','Smith')"; q.execute(); q << "show tables" << endl; cout << "Query : " << q.preview() << endl; Result res = q.store(); if ( !res.empty() ) { Row row = res[0]; cout << "Table is : " << row[0] << endl; } conn.close(); return 0; } OUTPUT: // Query : show tables // // Table is : table1

#include <sqlplus.hh> #include <password.hh> #include <iomanip> int main () { Connection conn ("user1","","",password()); Query q = conn.query(); q << "SELECT * FROM table1"; cout << "Query : " << q.preview() << endl << endl; Result res = q.store(); Row row; Result::iterator Iter; // Random Access Iterator cout << " ID L_NAME F_NAME" << endl; cout << "==================================" << endl; for ( Iter = res.begin(); Iter != res.end(); Iter++ ) { row = *Iter; cout.setf(ios::left); cout << setw(10) << row[0].c_str() << setw(17) << row[1].c_str() << row[2] << endl; } cout << endl; conn.close(); return 0; } OUTPUT: // Query : SELECT * FROM table1 // // ID L_NAME F_NAME // ================================== // ABC123 Frost Robert // ABD000 Smith NULL

#include <sqlplus.hh> #include <password.hh> #include <iomanip> int main () { Connection conn ("user1","","",password()); Query q = conn.query(); q << "UPDATE table1 SET f_name='Linda' WHERE " << "l_name='Smith' AND ID='ABD000'"; cout << "Query : " << q.preview() << endl << endl; q.execute(); q << "SELECT * FROM table1"; cout << "Query : " << q.preview() << endl << endl; Result res = q.store(); Row row; Result::iterator Iter; cout << " ID L_NAME F_NAME" << endl; cout << "==================================" << endl; for ( Iter = res.begin(); Iter != res.end(); Iter++ ) { row = *Iter; cout.setf(ios::left); cout << setw(10) << row[0].c_str() << setw(17) << row[1].c_str() << row[2] << endl; } cout << endl; conn.close(); return 0; } OUTPUT: // Query : UPDATE table1 SET f_name='Linda' // WHERE l_name='Smith' AND ID='ABD000' // // Query : SELECT * FROM table1 // // ID L_NAME F_NAME // ================================== // ABC123 Frost Robert // ABD000 Smith Linda

Generating Query


#include <sqlplus.hh> #include <password.hh> #include <strstream> // for ostrstream #include <cstdio> // for sprintf #include <publib.h> // for stracat using namespace std; int main () { // using MysqlQuery object Connection conn("test","","",password()); Query q = conn.query(); Date d = "6/12/2002"; q << "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE t_date='" << d << "'" << endl; cout << "Query q: " << q.preview() << endl; // generating Query using ostrstream object int num = 25; string f_name("Robert"); ostrstream *msg = new ostrstream; *msg << "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE f_name='" << f_name << "' LIMIT " << num << ends; cout << "ostrstream: " << msg->str() << endl; // using sprintf function char *name = "Albert"; char buff[255]; sprintf(buff,"SELECT FROM table1 WHERE id=%d AND name='%s'",num,name); cout << "sprintf: " << buff << endl; // using stracat function (publib.h) sprintf(buff,"%d",num); char *query = stracat("DELETE FROM table1 WHERE name='", name, "' AND id=", buff,(char*)NULL); cout << "publib: " << query << endl; return 0; } $ g++ run_time_query.cpp -lsqlplus -lpassword -lpub $ ./a.out OUTPUT: // Query q: SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE // t_date='0006-00-00' // // ostrstream: SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE // f_name='Robert' LIMIT 25 // sprintf: SELECT FROM table1 WHERE id=25 AND // name='Albert' // publib: DELETE FROM table1 WHERE // name='Albert' AND id=25

Exception Hendling


#include <sqlplus.hh> #include <password.hh> using namespace std; int main () { try { Connection conn(use_exceptions); conn.connect("user3","","",password()); bool b = conn.connected(); if ( b ) cout << "OK" << endl; else cout << "Anreached string!" << endl; conn.close(); } catch ( BadQuery &err ) { #ifdef USE_STANDARD_EXCEPTION cerr << "Error: " << err.what() << endl; cerr << "(BadQuery)" << endl; #else cerr << "Error: " << err.error << endl; cerr << "(BadQuery)" << endl; #endif return -1; } catch ( BadConversion &err ) { #ifdef USE_STANDARD_EXCEPTION cerr << "Error: " << err.what() << endl << "retrieved data size: " << err.retrived << " actual data size: " << err.actual_size << endl; cerr << "(BadConversion)" << endl; #else cerr << "Error: Tried to convert \"" << err.data << "\" to a \"" << err.type_name << "\"." << endl; cerr << "(BadConversion)" << endl; #endif return -1; } #ifdef USE_STANDARD_EXCEPTION catch ( exception &e ) { cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl; return -1; } #endif return 0; } // Error: Access denied for user: 'ana@localhost' // to database 'user3' // (BadQuery)