Command Line Editing

C-amove to the beginning of the line
C-emove to the end of the line
C-fmove 1 char forward
C-bmove 1 char backward
M-fmove 1 word forward
M-bmove 1 word backward
C-pmove to the previous comm from the history
C-nmove to the next comm from the history
M-<move to the first comm from the history
C-ddelete 1 char under cursor
DEL, BACKSPACEdelete the char to the left of the cursor.
C-_ or C-x C-uUndo the last editing command
C-lclear the screen.
Killing and Yanking
C-kkill from current position to the end of the line
C-xkill from current position to the beginning of the line
C-ukill from current position to the beginning of the line
M-dkill from current position to the end of the current word.
C-wkill from current position to the previous whitespace.
M-Delkill from current position to the start of the word.
C-yyank the most recently killed text.
M-yrotate the kill-ring.
C-jterminate incremental searching. ( or Esc ).
M-?list the possible complitions
M-*insert all complissions
C-gabort the current editing command
Changing Text
C-treplace 2 characters
M-treplace 2 words
M-uuppercase word
M-llowercase word
M-ccapitalize word