USAGE: vimext [-slvmifecgtuah] filename.extention

##  For Programmers: C, C++, Perl, Bash.  i                          ##
##  Using Vim, you can open new program's file with some header.     ##
##  F.E.  vimext -A my_progr.c  - will open C-file with nine         ##
##        including statements and line with declaration of main     ##
##        program.                                                   ##
##        Using options you can include library - separatly.         ##
##  F.E.  vimext -i -s (or -is) file.cpp  - will open C++-file       ##
##        with included <iomanip>, <string> statements. Default  ##
##        include is: <stdio.h> for C and <iostream> for C++.    ##
##        vimext -h  - help-information about using options.         ##
##                                                                   ##
##  You should remember that this script works in nested shell!      ##